phytophotodermatitis is mentioned, briefly, in three threads on permies:
Cow Parsnip, the other evil weed
Heracleum mantegazzianum (giant hogweed) -- you NEED to know about and recognize this toxic plant
Eating the weeds in My Garden and other inedible things?
I thought it deserved a
thread all on its own.
This excellent blog post,
Parsnip Burn - My Worst Gardening Mistake goes into details about what it is, how it happens, how to prevent it, AND how to make your own salves to treat it. Kudos to this blogger! And hattip to our friends at
Pantry Paratus for sharing this blog on their
Facebook page.
The blog is full of pictures of the blisters and rash from the parsnip burn, which are not pretty, so I won't link to them here. (You're welcome.

) Here's their salve image:
According to the blog,
Plants that may cause phytophotodermatitis include (but are not limited to):
ParsnipsCarrotsCeleryParsleyWild ParsnipQueen Anne’s Lace (Wild Carrot)Giant HogweedLimesFigs
Have you had parsnip burn before?
What precautions, if any, do you take?