Emily Simmons wrote:I'm logging my expenses for this chicken venture...just to see how expensive that first egg ends up being.
Figured I'd toss it up there so you can laugh, cry, commiserate, or criticize.
We've had these 8 chickens for 6 1/2 weeks, so...
the breakdown (rounded and not including tax):
$34 - 8 chicks
$17 - brooder materials/supplies
$65 - feed and other things that go in their beaks
$292 - hoop coop building & moving materials
$21 - supplies
$50 - bits and bobs that I messed or that didn't work out
$479 - Grand Total (so far)
Nearly all the materials were bought new; nothing to scrounge around here and Craigslist is banned.
I did have the brooder box on hand (twice); I started them off in a big Sterilite tote, then moved them to some moving boxes when they got too big for the tote.
I could fit 21-32 birds in the coop if I really wanted to (and committed to a pasture or run). However, I probably really ought to have build a smallish chicken tractor.
I have managed to feed them 18 1/2 lbs. of kitchen scraps in about 11 days, so the feed is being stretched.
I reused the quart waterer as a chick grit dispenser, when I got them a gallon waterer.
I should have just gotten a big bag of starter/grower off the bat. That would have halved my feed cost right here.
Umm...can't think of anything else at the moment!
What type of feed are you using and how many pounds did you get for $65.00? I only ask, as I purchased organic feed from a
local feed supply store, and it ran me around 28. I bought two, and I have 20 chickens who are well into their 2nd Month- I guess it depends on what your
answer(s) are, but It might be worthwhile (unless you bought a large bag, but then I saw your post about "bigger bag of starter grower"-so I fear you bought a small one) to look around, even if there is no cragilist, most rural areas will have a feed supply store (or more than one) and there are lots of websites that
sell feed.
I think if you decide to get some more chicks, you've got your supplies, but barring some accident, (i know I had some, wind knocked over a brooder set up smashing the bulb, and damaging a few things-my birds were in a courtyard) I have learned from my mentor, who has been doing
permaculture for nearly 40 years, a lot of the "stuff" for the birds, is helpful, but the birds, if they are good stock, and you are keeping them clean, and reasonably warm- you can make do, (especially in Georgia, in the summer) with a well ventilated box outside, etc. Don't fret, I bought all this stuff too. (and I just got my chickens as well. I warn you, you might become a crazy chicken lady. I am! hahaha)
I have post in other forums that where I live we are experiencing a bit of a plague of grasshoppers. I was advised to get some with a fly swatter and to begin to feed bits of the hoppers to the chicks-get them started on the varmints right away. I didn't even need to feed them bits. Because I had my brooder in our courtyard, hoppers were just going inside the little cage I had been borrowed (and was using with a box as a brooder pen) and the chicks, very very young were just going to town on the bugs. They are extremely robust and healthy, and I still have a huge amount of feed. So as 'wacky' as it sounds, if you have any crickets or grasshoppers, or any other bugs, get out your swatter, and fill up a cup with them. I started to do that and give them to the birds as "treats"- I too, in entering this chicken
experience, worried, that my desire to feed them the best organic feed, (or planted forage) and do things "just so" would end up with my eggs costing me $10 a dozen- so this bug action is really helping big time.
Looking at your list, We bought many of the same things, and I think you are on the right track. I am 'green' too, so all would say is maybe look into the feed, (or even better, plant some buckwheat or other "chicken friendly" salad mixes if you have the space. I also, had a pretty good time
scrounging around the garage and storage shed for supplies for my own coop,
tractor, and range shed. I don't know if I am just a zany hoarder or what, but man, with a little tinkering (children's bicycle training wheels on a chicken tractor- yes, totally work great!) I found I had almost everything already. Good Luck! and I hope you weren't discouraged by the lack of feedback. I bet you are as excited as I am about your first egg. (waiting... waiting.... waiting...)