It seems that adrien, destiny and devaka are tinkering with out code every day to add features and try to expand stuff.
So, on the one hand, it seems that our needs for tinkering are rather constant. And 90% of the things we do we spend a dollar to make a dime. And once in a long while, we spend a dollar and get $100 back. And on and on and on we go ....
All sorts of people have affiliate programs that they would like us to sign up for. But we have been burned by affiliate programs so many times that it is now fairly rare that we will even try one.
Janet is now renting out some of the structures here, which is starting to bring in income. She might hit full swing in about two months
I like the whole idea of the pie program businesses - maybe something like that?
With today's internet ... things are so weird ... and changing all the time ... it is really tough to figure out what will bring in actual coin. The best we can do is throw the dice hundreds of times and see which things get traction. (web development), GoPermaculture Food Forest, Sea Buckthorn (Seaberry) grower (hobbiest), zone 3b/4b (borderline) Quebec Canada
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff! (web development), GoPermaculture Food Forest, Sea Buckthorn (Seaberry) grower (hobbiest), zone 3b/4b (borderline) Quebec Canada
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
It seems it was not long ago where I spent an hour and a half on the phone with a guy where he was gonna "make me famous" by having me do all the work and he keeps all the money (after all, he said, he needs to make a living too).
Further still, there are hundreds of business ideas I have tried that paid nothing or way too little.
I like the idea that there would be a permaculture business directory and/or a permaculture classifieds ad system. Sounds great. I wish there was a way to set up such a system so that it could be totally free in the beginning, and then charge something like 50 cents for a while .... maybe forever. Maybe a system where things are five or ten cents for the bare minimum but as much as a dollar or so for something more significant.
How this relates to me as a business? I have no idea. (web development), GoPermaculture Food Forest, Sea Buckthorn (Seaberry) grower (hobbiest), zone 3b/4b (borderline) Quebec Canada
I wish there was a way to set up such a system so that it could be totally free in the beginning, and then charge something like 50 cents for a while .... maybe forever. (web development), GoPermaculture Food Forest, Sea Buckthorn (Seaberry) grower (hobbiest), zone 3b/4b (borderline) Quebec Canada
How this relates to me as a business? I have no idea. (web development), GoPermaculture Food Forest, Sea Buckthorn (Seaberry) grower (hobbiest), zone 3b/4b (borderline) Quebec Canada
Are there other viable payment portals besides PayPal?
$.50+ per transaction seems huge. Is it in fact huge or is that (in your opinion) actually what PayPal reasonably needs to charge and if so, is there an understandable explanation you can pass on?
it appears you're talking about two revenue streams:
- listers in a specialized "yellow page" type directory
- advertisers, although it was not clear if you're thinking display type or just classified; but that detail probably doesn't change the theory
Apparently billing would be per directory listing or per ad for some certain time - right?
Any significant money would seem to require a LARGE directory and MANY individual ads.
Even if the display period was based on "days" and not "months". Am I understanding right or are there additional revenue streams somewhere?
The hot question would then be where/who/how to garner thousands of paying directory listings.
A similar Q would apply to the ads: For any one period of time, how many ads would be needed.
Or. Work it backwards:
How much revenue would a "directory" cum ads need to realize each month to amortize your investment over, say, two years with all expenses both capital (setup) and operating and "other" accounted for?
Then what does Paul need to see over the same two years to cover his wear and tear, actual hours spent for himself and others (billed at something reasonable), opportunity cost (he won't be able to easily cut competing deals other places)... and misc other expense.
How does this monthly $ figure parse back upstream to Permies community which has to be the ongoing source of this money? Does that ongoing $ figure sound plausible for the Permies community as we know it? What does that say about pricing?
Have you or Paul developed a list of plausible entries for the directory? Who and how many in the community are going to advertise - businesses, individuals, venues? It is possible, is it not, to ball park these figures and thus get a preliminary reality check?
Paul and I are far from any collaboration and may never collorate on such a projet.How this relates to me as a business? I have no idea. - Paul quote
There is another consideration: What screen space will your total proposal take in the Permies site? I will naively assume that various hooks, links, banners, scrolls and all related accounting can be seamlessly integrated w/minimal cost and upset (!). However, that still leaves the Q of whether those elements would look proper to Paul and the site designers. Or maybe you have covered this elsewhere? If there are other threads on this topic I haven't read them. (web development), GoPermaculture Food Forest, Sea Buckthorn (Seaberry) grower (hobbiest), zone 3b/4b (borderline) Quebec Canada
And tomorrow is the circus! We can go to the circus! I love the circus! We can take this tiny ad:
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars