Clean With Cleaners You Can Eat by Raven Ranson
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Learn How to Grow -- Join The Sustainable Living Center

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We are very interested in this subject and are trying to do something about it.

The reason for our interest is that in our opinion a critical imbalance of food demand and food supply is coming.  

According to new research from Yale University and Michigan State University the world has already reached Peak Food production.   Click Here to see their new research “Have we reached ‘peak food’?   Shortages loom as global production rates slow.”

This crisis will peak sometime before the year 2030 leaving large groups of people without enough to eat. Our food production can be affected by a Northwest Tsunami, changing weather patterns, factory farming, increasing price of oil, dwindling supplies in fish\crops, global debt, inflation or total economic collapse.

When the crisis does come you have a choice be a Grower, a Hoarder or a Detainee of the Homeland Security Dept.

Regardless of how much food you hoard, there is a limit.

Food production on the cool Oregon Coast is different from food production in hot humid Iowa. We have an Education and Research Center in Lincoln City, Oregon and an 80 acres experimental ranch in Siletz, Oregon.  At each location we experimented with Sustainable, Permaculture and Off the Grid techniques and technology to use existing material to solve our food production challenges of the coast.

Research Center is a Living and Learning Laboratory.  Ongoing 4-hour Mentoring Sessions given year around.

Some current existing examples are:

Seeds: Free Heirloom Seeds

Vegetables: New Ways to Grow                                                        ……

Tomatoes: From July to Thanksgiving

Lettuce: Grow lettuce all year on your deck when there is no electrical power

Chickens: Eggs & Chickens when there is no chicken feed to buy              

What else is needed?

Fertilizer: When there is no fertilizer to purchase

Rain Water Harvesting: When you are out of bottled water

Food Storage: Airless Food Storage before a Tsunami and after

Garden Protection: Elimination Garden Slugs

We offer four (4) options to Live on the Oregon Coast at our Center and Learn from Free Workshops and Hand on Training in exchange for Barter-Hours Labor.

This opportunity is for someone that is serious about,,,,,,,,Sustainable, Permaculture, or Off the Grid Living.

The Center is a Sustainable Community with everybody has their own lodging, food, heat and sanitation facilities. We are NOT a communal, political, environmental, religious, or militia community.

Successful applicants may stay for any length of time.

Four options with Barter-Hour Labor. The number of Barter-Hours required depends on which option is selected:

1. Rent a self-contained Rig complete with kitchen, living and bedroom plus two 4-hour weekly mentoring workshops, in exchange for $350/month and Barter-Hours of Labor.  Car is required.

2. Live at Center Free with Barter Labor– If you provide your own housing in the form of self-contained (Rig) RV, Travel Trailer, or 5th Wheel, free electric, available water, and sewer, plus two 4-hour weekly mentoring workshops will be provided, in exchange for Barter-Hours of labor. The Center is on Hwy 101 (Pacific Coast Hwy) near Lincoln City, Oregon 97367.

3. Live on 80-acre Ranch Free with Barter Labor- This option is only available after you completed living 120 days living at the Center. If you provide your own housing in the form of self-contained (Rig) RV, Travel Trailer, or 5th Wheel, you will receive free electric, water, sewer hookup, plus two 4-hour weekly mentoring workshops, in exchange for Barter-Hours of labor.

The 80-acre Ranch is 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean in Oregon and 7 miles from the nearest town of 1300 people with: riverside park; bank; gift shop, Grange Hall, bakery; restaurant; video store; (5) churches; grocery store; library; post office; roadhouse\sport bar; fuel station and mini market. The ranch is surrounded by 20,000+ acres of logging land. It is a land locked island of 80 level acres surrounded on two sides by a wild salmon, trout, and steelhead river

4. Attend a Sustainable – Permaculture – Off the Grid 4-hour Mentoring Session. The cost is $25/session, but you have to make you own housing arrangement.

Details of current Center’s sessions activities go to:

To see all the future projects we are considering go to:

Join our facebook at:  https://www.facebook/livingcenters
Email for information in joining the Center……
Weeds: because mother nature refuses to be your personal bitch. But this tiny ad is willing:
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