In my opinion, in my
experience, I don't think there is even a question if this is true or not; in fact I do not know of any dairy farm I have ever been in that did not have music playing.
Now what KIND of music was a different matter, My uncle said it had to be Country Music because he liked it of
course, but for me... who would rather listen to STATIC than County Music, I said it was rock and roll.
When he was away on the rare occasion, we used to dig into the green chop oats and then watch him ponder when the milk slips came back much higher when he was gone. We allowed it was on account of the clasic rock that we played, and it was quite a few times that we did this before he caught on.
We laugh now, but on a dairy farm with 18 hour days 7 days a week, it did not take much to amuse us.