yes i know its 'ok' to use it on lawns and flowers. but is it true organic / perma to use it on food crops? it will be atleast crudely filtered, question later, and held.
so now with the question to make sure it is as usable there will at least be a grease trap and wet sand filter as in i was thinking a larger diameter stand pipe with a back wash valve to hold anything that wont filter through fast
enough. a diffuser plate to keep wash out down then sand/peat(perhaps) geotextile to keep the sand from filtering into the stone and a flow material to keep the stone out of the drain. then a pipe externally coming from the bottom to the sand level to act as a trap keeping the sand wet with a back wash valve. after al this if it seems feasible and effective. is it now completely safe to spray onto crop/ graising / fish
pond? or
should more sediment /UV filter take place? i am considering 2 tank where i could use tank one as holding then filter/UV into final tank for use
i dont want to risk a human / live stock life to save a few hundred dollars then again i dont wish to waste money
the 2 tank was so i dont have to run pumps unnecessarily also i dont want to run the UV sanitizer if i am only getting 1 gpm through a 6gpm uv unit. the tank 1 can gather
water whether rain or gray water system through a sand filter when there is room in tank 2 and enough water in tank 1 then a in series float in both tanks will trip a appropriate flow pump into secondary filtration if necessary and UV sanitizer into tank 2. if tank one and two are both full the other 2 capacity float switches should pump from tank 2 into a fish
pond / drain area (man made wet
land) .. ok i know its probally overkill but is it totally insane to do this on gray or rain water. the rain water mainly because i will include a income apartment to help with bills. along with any crop/ animal income