Kim Travis wrote:Oh, we can heat the bed. It is a heavy material bag of dried corn . Chuck it in the microwave for 5 minutes, you are toasty all night. However, it does nothing for the middle of the night potty run, or facing breakfast and coffee in a cold kitchen. We are golden agers, getting cold hurts much worse now.
You can use coal safely in a RMH for sure. I don't have a rocket stove, but I have burned lots of coal over the years. I say this with confidence because I know how coal burns and it lends itself well to rmh. That is because a coal fire needs two things to burn; coal and air. How intense the fire is, is controlled by how much coal is present and how much air is allowed to enter the coal bed. The more air, the hotter the fire in proportion to the amount of coal. In a rmh you would control the fire by how much coal was added, not so much in damping it down. Since the same amount of coal produces 1/3 longer burn times then the comparable amount of wood, you can easily see you just would need less coal to get a rmh to run properly since with coal, it is easy to overheat a home.
As a side note, I have burned coal in woodstoves that were never designed for it, but certainly the proper grates made maintaining the hot coal bed much easier. Now I am talking about anthracite coal here and not soft coal, but even the soft coal would work.