Rocket stoves can heat hotter than most propane stoves. Depending on flu height and such.
Vavrek's / weblife / Aprovecho's rocket stove is a more efficent design than the normal large coffee can rocket stove. There are two considerations when choosing a pot.
#1: Will you be making/using a tall pot skirt ?
#2: No pot skirt?
If you will be using a pot skirt a thin walled/sided pot is perfect. Therefore a stainless steel pot is more than adiquate.
If you are open cooking then you need a pot that has some thickness on the sides to provide at least a bit of insulative properties.
I bought the stainless pots with copper bottoms.
Also you need good insulative lids for your pots. To optimize you cooking time.
You can use dish soap or smear on a thin layer or mud to slow the soot deposits.
Both will help with later cleaning.
The rocket stove design has been around for about 3000 years originating in India.
A rocket stove is a downdraft or pressure stove. The fuel only burns at its tips.
The rocket stove pushes the smoke out the chimney instead of a draft pulling the smoke.
The smoke that comes form a rocket stove is mostly steam and minute amounts of CO.
The rocket stove is the most efficient wood fueled cooking/heating stove/heater That last link has a really good HOW TO book for 13$.
Some has even started using rocket stoves to make Hydrogen fuel. Since the exhaust form the rocket stove is quite clean . It is diverted into a electrolosys device .
A commercial
greenhouse not to far from here takes their rocket furnace steam and condenses it into
water and feeds its plants.
Any tighter and the
greenhouse would be its own independent biosphere.
As for the rocket stove designs. For cooking purposes that max size/height would be about 18-20 inches tall.
Any higher and the flu would cause a large draft and all you will get is smoke and your fire will go out.
The cook stove requires the gases to burn as they go up the flu. Therefore you can't make it easy for the gases to escape.
A Rocket heater has a large metal tank over the flu and the exhaust pipe is down at the floor/ground level . This is what provides the pressure.
Here is something else that might interest you as well. It's very efficient as well.