It is my understanding that solar/hydro/wind electric (and
solar thermal) has always been cheaper than fuels.
Environmental costs cannot be recovered easily, if at all in our lifetimes and probably many lifetimes.
Subsidies support fueled power its distribution and maintenance to the hilt, or it could not stand on its own at prices that make it attractive (artificially) now and for decades gone by.
Fuels have their place, high energy density to weight ratio, available on demand. A chainsaw or backup generator and transportation are good examples, as are heaters.
People get hung up sometimes on wheather solar can supply ALL power ALL the time and in many homes and many commercial environments it cannot or cannot at the same budget as artificially cheap fuel and distribution.
And... utility power is far from being able to supply all power, all the time, as evidenced by the popularity and number of backup generators and battery inverter systems being installed.
What is lost is the fact that the solar offset can be quite high and a system can rely on fuel/utility power as a BACKUP or supplement, this goes double for solar thermal heating of space or
water in the north.