Interesting and outrageously expensive
city bound device.
It does not compost it desiccates the food waste and then grinds it to a powder.
"A – Zera™ Additive
Made from coir, a plant-based resource, and baking soda - works to break down food waste"
Notice they say the coir and baking soda "break down food waste", that has to be misleading simply by the nature of the two items listed.
Neither of those would have that affect and the end product would not look like the crumbly end product they have photographed.
There has to be a grinder of some sort involved. In truth there is " F – Mixing Motor Turns mixing blade to process food waste G – Mixing Blade Along with heat and the Zera™ Additive, blades churn and break down food scraps"
So it seems that they are indulging in a type of "false advertising" and then way down the page they get to the truth of things.
The coir works as the desiccant and the baking soda is a "deodorizer", they heat the food waste to get the moisture out, which the coir adsorbs then releases to the atmosphere.
This is actually a very good concept for city dwelling gardeners who want to be able to use food waste without having a worm farm.
If you live in a big city apartment and want to help the
land fills not fill up (and are wealthy enough to afford this thing) then it is a viable option.