Hello everyone. I have been gifted bunch of meat grinding hardware but Im kinda lost about it. instead of all having a circle with holes like I saw years ago, most have some sorts of lid on it. when I remove it there are something inside but not sure what it for. See pictures. Could somebody explain to me what it is or point me to good reference about it.
There was also bunch of cones in the box too. they seem to be meant to grate but with what ?
Mostly. It's really awesome for leftovers. Like transforming roast beat and leftover veg into shepherd's pie.
But, some have special ends for making bread crumbs and even nut-butter. The bread crumb one looks like a grain mill attachment and the nut-butter one is quite smooth with occasional gaps.
Remind me, I'll take some pictures of mine tomorrow (I have a collection growing - I love them so much).
After my knife and fry pan, these are the most used items in my kitchen.