This is a Seneca story I was told. Whether it is true or not, I do not know. ...But, if you think about it a bit, you can tell it was true.
A long time ago the People lived a happy life. Their longhouses were warm and dry. They lived at peace with their neighbors. Their gardens grew well, and supplied them with plenty of good tasting and healthy food.
Every year they planted the Three Sisters. Corn grew tall, providing a strong place for Bean to grow up. The Beans helped Corn stand if a wind came. And Squash grew all around the feet of Corn and Bean, protecting them from Four Leggeds who might want to eat them. Every year the Three grew well. But, the Standing Upright People began to notice that each year the Three Sisters grew just a bit less well. This concerned the Standing Upright People. And they wondered what they
should do.
When some Seasons had passed, the Chief of the Heron People noticed the problem of the Sisters. Heron Chief then decided to go to the Chief of the Upright People and ask if they would like some help. The Standing Upright Chief thanked Heron and asked him to sit, and eat and talk and maybe smoke Pipe. Heron Chief then told the story of Fish. Heron told Upright that if he would tell his People to place a fish in the hole when they planted their seed, the Three Sisters would be happy and grow much better that year.
And that is how the Standing Upright People learned the Lesson of how to fertilize their crops. They Honored this Lesson so much that they asked permission, of the Heron People, to call themselves the Heron Clan. And so the Heron Clan People received their name, and they knew a Lesson they could teach all the other Clans. And so the Heron Clan became the teachers of farming and how to grow strong healthy foods. And to this day, the Heron Clan continues and has as its Lesson, the Story of Heron who came to help them, and the Lesson Heron taught.
....So, to your question Wes. If you decide to plant the Three Sisters, maybe you might think a bit as the Original People thought. Observe your plants. Watch if they are happy. Fertilize as they want. Just because they speak a somewhat different language than you do, there is no reason to hesitate to ask them. And if it is right, use one "fish" if appropriate, use no more if not.