We got guinea hogs, 2 of them, they're going to be a year come october. They look to be around 80 lbs each maybe. At this rate, they
should be in the 110ish range I'm thinking by mid fall when I'll do them. I feed them grower feed x2 per day, 3 scoops each time between the 2 of them, and then the rest of the day they graze/root. Sometimes I'll throw in our kitchen scraps/leftovers as well. I think they're a fairly easy breed to deal with, friendly and docile, not hard to confine with hog panels. The downside is that they won't get too big. If you're going to get them as weaners in spring, expect to winter them, because they just won't get big
enough worth the effort until they're at least a year old.
Kune kunes are similar in the sense of growth rate, ease of raising, etc, with the added benefit that they
root even less than guinea hogs (which do root, btw...don't believe the stories that they don't). But, they're very expensive compared to guinea hogs. That's why more often than not, when you see them in the US, they're pets, not food.
I have no info on ossabaws, sorry.