Any amount of light will produce algae, if its a few sun rays, you will get a little algae, which will probably die once its away from the "sun-roof". Considering the amount of time the superficial
water will be iddle, you will be able to determine wether the algae expansion is impactful
enough. There is a chance that this layer of algae will continually rotate due the effect of the water intake, displacing the mono-celular protoplants out of the iluminated zone, causing its death. Afterwards, a new layer of cells will begin to form on the iluminated zone, if enough time is given for it to become considerable. Therefore, you will be the only one able to determine the amount of cells and their impact on your collection system, aswell as on your filtering system, since it will strictly depend on the temperatue, amount of light, water intake, specie of the algae and much more, like pH, hardness of the liquid and blablabla. Not nice to willingly add extra unneeded matter into any system.
I cant see any hole that connects the tank with the air but you have to consider the following. Water only goes from liquid to gas when the saturation level of the inmediately-positioned gas (as would be the air above the water in your glass) reaches a certain level. This saturation will be affected by caloric
energy (heat), pressure and volume, with all of there variables compromised with each other.
Soooo, only if an excesive amount of heat, sudden disminution of pressure (cannot happen if the thing is open to the atmosphere), or removal of the saturated air. If the opening if big enough or placed in a way that generates an airflow, the exiting gas will take with itself your collected water.
In the other hand, if the air flow is minimal, either because the exhaust pipe has the needed physical configuration; or because of the air flow, perhaps due the temperature changes or many other negligible theories; the amount of vapor water will be too small to effectively lose water by evaporation.
:D:D hope it helps, Id like to see the outcome,