We like to experiment in the window seals. Heres one I didn't think was going to do anything but it did. I am curious if this will work or if anyone has done something similar. It's just an "organic" carrot from the store. Will this make one carrot or? Thanks, Have a great day!
Carrots are biennial - the first year they make a carrot, the second year they use the energy stored in the carrot to make seed.
Those plants have already made carrots. If you can keep them alive long enough, they'll probably try to flower so they make seed. We have a tray of locally grown parsnip tops we're trying to grow out to get some seed as we've really struggled to grow parsnips here.
It's likely that you'll get a load of green tops even if you just leave them in water. When I was a kid, it was a common thing for kids to grow them like that until they got bored with them, and tortoise owners would grow them and then give the greens to their pets.
Here are our parsnip tops - we planted five and four have survived.
My other half pulled one up so you can see the roots, but he was a bit over-enthusiastic and most of them broke off...
You can see a load of prickly pear pads on the bench in the background. We cut them a few days ago and are waiting for the cut ends to callous over then I'm going to plant them out too. I do love prickly pears and they are so easy to grow and to propagate.
Thats cool. Thanks for the help. We are going on a scavenger hunt today for windows to close off the walapini as we cant afford fancy roof. I'll look in the free craigslist and try to roust up some planting bins and give it a shot.