Hi all,
We are super happy to announce that we just launched
a Crowdfunding campaign to help fund our latest film, Fermentation Revolution.
Fermentation Revolution is an educational documentary in which food entrepreneurs, authors and all-around fermentation geeks
David Coté and Sébastien Bureau share with you the ins and outs of traditional fermentation processes with a modern twist.
Homemade fermentation is a low-cost probiotic panacea ! It prolongs the life of your food, revives the immune system, soothes the digestive and nervous systems, regulates metabolism, wakes up your taste buds and brighten all meals! There are only advantages to fermenting, grab your jars, the hour of the probiotic revolution has come with Fermentation Revolution !
Over 90 minutes of beautiful HD footage with a humorous tone to it, the movie takes you through some theory and teaches you a variety of tools, techniques and recipes including :
Sauerkraut and lactofermentationKimchiKombuchaWater and Milk KefirTempehYogurt Vegan and non-Vegan cheeseSourdough, Bread and NaanShrub, Cider, HydromelWine FruitsKoji, Sakeand more ...
Thanks for showing your love of fermentation and thanks for supporting and/or helping to spread the word about our campaign!