I actually like the idea of a composting toilet that has a separator, like a trap door, that separates you and the bathroom from previous deposits. I would have a compound flush system, whereby the trap door, when returning to the up position after being flushed, has a layer of the dry flush material dropped onto it to accept the next deposit. The next flush would drop the deposit, atop the dry flush material that separates the
poop from the toilet walls and trap door surface, down into the composter along with a secondary flush that tops it off and fills the trap door area again.
The dry flush material could be any dry granular material that will compost well, probably biomass from another process, like sawdust.
I think that I will have to investigate wet-flush composting toilets or invent one if they don't yet exist, although I think perhaps if I go that far, it will be a methane digester system. I think people have comfort issues where it comes to dealing with poop, and the more conventional an experience it is, the more comfortable and convenient it will be. Also, if it's just like the porcelain thrones they're all used to, there's nothing to screw up, so the system would work with fewer potential problems. Ideally, we'd be talking either about a biodigester that yields garden-ready liquid compost, or maybe a multi-stage process that separates
water and solids and treats them separately, using things like reed bed swales (conventional swales, but intensively managed to maintain moisture, and probably with a series of internal baffles that make a seemingly straight
swale zig zag internally, increasing surface area and length of time in contact with reeds and other filter plants and decreasing flow rate), into woodlots for water and Black Soldier Fly larvae for solids. In my climate, where the ground can freeze solid for months in a normal winter, I would need, perhaps, a low hoop-framed grow tunnel over the swale to keep it productive into the cold season and kickstart it in the spring, but these are details that change based on the specific situation.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein