I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
... it´s about time to get a signature ...
Denise Cares wrote:Am having a hard time figuring this thing out. I can't see a 'funnel' in the pictures. I see an orange container for the front (pee) and the white bucket at the back, but where did the gallon jug come from and what is feeding into it? I don't understand the 'cover' over the jug photo. Could someone label these pictures to point out the special features? Maybe my visual discrimination is just bad..
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Travis Schulert wrote:Compost Toilet: Pros, cons, and modifications.
When I first built this, we just used a bucket situated underneath. The bucket was wider than a standard 5 gallon bucket and it was easy for both of us to use, but both wastes would mix together. This meant a lot more saw dust, and no matter how much you put in it would still pool at the bottom of the bucket and go stagnant quickly.
I had read a post on here of a much more elaborate diy toilet, so I just simplified my version and made it a short project. Credit for some of what I did goes to that guy or gal, it was awhile back that I read the post so I don’t remember.
I used a 5 gallon bucket for the funnel, and used a heat gun to soften the plastic and cut it to its base form. After a few attempts and fails I got the shape right, and from there used to heat gun to mold it into a better shape and to fit it in my toilet box.
The money saved is far superior to any inconvenience of this lifestyle.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Thanks tiny ad, for helping me escape the terrible comfort of this chair.
A PDC for cold climate homesteaders