I had posted about this
chicken earlier concerned she wasn't laying. I'm watching this
chicken more and more and thinking she's sick with something.
Seemingly depressed: puffed up with wings drooping usually not interacting with the other hens and rooster.
Feathers puffed up standing still
Eats little to nothing. I have just isolated her in a pen next to the main pen and she's eating voraciously which leads me to think the hens in the main flock were preventing her from eating.
Her comb is just not developed which leads me to think she's had this for a while under my care, but for some reasons the other hens don't
She is weightless to pick up and being a leghorn she would not let me pick her up like this if she was healthy. My orpingtons usually make little protests in their way, but this hen makes no sound.
She also seems be weak. I noticed two days in a row signs of weakness. Trouble getting up the coup door. A little stuttering in her walk.
Her eyes appear healthy, as stated she is eating. She doesn't seem very interested in her surroundings. I tried to count her heart beat and counted 60 heart beats. I'm not sure how accurate that is. I did try twice.
The past 4 days I gave her 5 mils eye drop of a
water vinegar garlic and
honey mixture once a day. Yesterday I gave her the mixture twice.
Here are a few photos I just took. Could her legs be an additional symptom? I'm not sure if there's anything wrong there or not. I'm hoping some one has an idea. Any help appreciated.