baggetja wrote:
This seems cool. A rocket heater mini that diffuses heat into the air instead of a thermal mass.
woodlandmonk wrote:
Heating air is only bad if you have poor insulation and/or your house leaks air.
My blog: [url][/url]
Len wrote:
Yup.... I like to breath. I like to have air that does not have too much in the way things like radon gas too. I put leaks in my house for this reason. (I call them open windows) Just personal choice of course, I grew up in a tight, well insulated house and lived with the health problems too. Life is full of trade-offs. There may be lots of people who can take staler air than I can and perhaps a tight house would work for them.
Build it yourself, make it small, occupy it.
Emerson White wrote:
It seems to me like heating the air in the chimney is a good way to export the heat from your house.
Len Ovens wrote:
baggetja wrote:
This seems cool. A rocket heater mini that diffuses heat into the air instead of a thermal mass.
Why? The whole reasoning behind mass heaters is:
-heating air = bad
-heating mass/bodies = good
It seems to me you loose the whole reason to go rocket heater. The first comparison to make is amount of fuel burned to be comfortable in air heating vs mass heating... the idea of mass heat is to be comfortable at a lower air temp.
Do some experimenting with this or at least visit houses with both types. Compare burn times.... most mass heaters burn only 2 to 4 hours per day.... air heaters go all day.
The only time the fast heating air heater makes sense is when you only want heat for a few hours, such as in a shop.
The one in the video does have some mass, by the way, that fireplace is one heavy chunk of masonry. The rocket burns well, and the long twisty baffle transfers heat to the mass as well as some air. The fireplace flue seems to be sealed off by the pipe which helps too. He makes good use of what he has available. For a straight air heater, look up pocket rocket. They are cheap and they work, but the room starts to get cold as soon as the fire goes out... same as any iron heater.
Dirt-lovin' tree hugger type, with a few vices....
Len Ovens wrote:
woodlandmonk wrote:
Heating air is only bad if you have poor insulation and/or your house leaks air.
Yup.... I like to breath. I like to have air that does not have too much in the way things like radon gas too. I put leaks in my house for this reason. (I call them open windows) Just personal choice of course, I grew up in a tight, well insulated house and lived with the health problems too. Life is full of trade-offs. There may be lots of people who can take staler air than I can and perhaps a tight house would work for them.
Dirt-lovin' tree hugger type, with a few vices....
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