I think that some companies get their panties all in a bunch at
sustainability and especially
permaculture. Like *gasp* these people don't need to buy our shtuff!!
So, I feel like I need to make a post clarifying that sustainability and
permaculture doesn't mean the end of capitalism necessarily or the end of people buying shtuff. It's just different shtuff.
Take Amazon for instance. (I know, big bad Amazon). On the other hand, this is where almost all my cloth diapers came from, my reusable snack bags, some of my bulk items for natural skin-care products. Because this stuff is specialty, I can't buy them locally, so Amazon is making big bucks on me being more sustainable. And yes, the boxes and paper packaging help keep us warm in winter.
Amazon isn't the only winners. To change from a hideously unsustainable culture to a sustainable one requires the right gear: like a pressure canner or insulation for your old home. Maybe someone to install the insulation. There is big money and consumerism that can be attached to this transition. If it was popularized, boy, this fad could easily sustain company incomes for at least the next generation.
Now, let's say we all get to "sustainable," I think there will still be monies to be earned but, rather than most money going to basic necessities, it will fall to things people want:
art, culture, entertainment, education, travel, and exotics (like cinnamon and dates in Ohio). And people would have more free money to buy that sort of stuff, if they want, rather than just making ends meet. There would be less needed to hord money, because you need less for a rainy day because systems would have non-monetary back-ups, which means more buying potential.
Thus, sustainability can be very much capitalistic and therefore consumeristic, and in my opinion, companies and their trolls working to stop sustainability are undermining their own potential gains that, with good investment, they can capitalize on and make big bucks at.