Good link! Alfalfa is great for lots of things, especially
If you don’t plan to let it grow for 4-6 years, an easier, cheaper alternative is Korean Lespedeza. It’s an annual, it can grow in more acidic soils, and it’s very easy to establish. No tillage is necessary. Just broadcast the seed in late winter or early spring. Freezing and thawing helps work it in, but a good rain works too. It usually reseeds itself. It makes very good hay and fixes nitrogen. It does tend to get weedy.
Alfalfa yields much more and is the best hay. I just mentioned Lespedeza because most people don’t seem to have heard of it. It’s better for a yearly rotation. People used to plant it in winter wheat, bale after wheat harvest, then plant wheat again.
I just realized this is under the dynamic accumulators heading. Alfalfa is definitely better for this because it has much deeper
roots. I guess this doesn’t fit the topic, but it might help someone. WJ, I’ll delete it if you wish?