I can't recommend just one cover plant since you are going to have areas of low growing product plants and high growers.
For the low growing plants you can use regular mulches like
straw, mowed grasses, not even dutch white clover would grow short
enough for these plantings.
For the taller plants, you can use crimson clover, red clover, sweet (yellow) clover, or even alfalfa for chop and drop/ plant through mulches.
Keep in mind on the clovers that if they go to seed they will reseed somewhat and that will give you a fall crop to repeat the chop and drop just before winter.
Other things you can use for winter, that can then be chopped in early spring are Wheat, Cereal Rye, Buckwheat and Barley, these all are seeded around October and will grow to around 8 inches tall and stop.
They can be left as is at that point since they won't restart their growth until the weather begins to warm.
Many farmers will plant these and then let
cattle graze them during the winter months since they will grow back to their 8 inch height over and over during the winter months.
Look at how your crop plants
roots grow, the adult height, and spreading habits to be able to decide on the best fit items for "cover cropping and creating mulches".