Just saying hi. I've been perusing this board for a while now, and finally decided that some of my random ramblings might just fit in here.
Over the years, I have been growing more and more dissatisfied with "modern" civilization. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a Luddite, I enjoy technology. What I don't care for is the disconnect I see between people and their morals that seems to come along with this advanced society. Why does it seem that the more "advanced" our civilization gets, the more selfish we become? My personal opinion (and I have a lot of them!) is that the easier it is to get something, the less we care about it and the more we expect something new to come along. Progress for progress' sake, huh? When did we go from a society where we were proud to have something that lasted for
decades to one that you are a social pariah if you have last years model of whatever?
Oh well, I say, I give up. The only way to win this rat race is to realize I'm not a damn rat and to quit the race. For me, that means getting
enough land to survive with minimal outside input. Hopefully this summer brings in enough work that I'll be able to get the first 2 acres I have my eye on. Then the true work of quiting the rat race begins: building the earthbag/timber-frame home, greenhouse/small barn, bio-digester, grey-water systems, plantings,
chickens, goats, maybe a cow... This is the kind of work that I can look forward to doing, work that once done
should help me work less. Who knows, if I can pull it off then maybe others might notice and have their own change of heart.
Great info here, I feel like I am amongst like minds... or at least open minds, which is what really matters.