I live in a
city in the midwest, I make about 35,000, married, have 2 kids, work 40 hrs a week, and spend 90% of my free time being a dad/ husband.
There has been a stirring in my soul to create and build
sustainable stuff. My dream would be to have an Earthship inspired home, and have all the time in the world to build it.
Someday I may get there. I know my wife wants to go back to school and we have some baby raising to do...BUT I Cant wait!!!
SO... I've started dreaming up an
RMH to put in my basement. I have some ideas about how it could supplement heating my house (i have a standard gas furnace) and it feels cheap and "easy"
enough to do with my budget and time. I don't own a truck :( - and not living in the country makes finding certain cheap materials tricky. (plus i have little time)
I am creating this forum to post photos and update on my
RMH so that I can get feedback throughout the
project. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
Thinking 6" system. I will be using Matt Walkers "poured" design , kinda. [youtube][/youtube]
would love some
feed back. Here are my plans/ ideas.
I would build both interior and exterior "mold" out of
wood. I would build them With a larger interior diameter and add fire brick to the inside after build. I would use some kind of mortar/ slip to hold firebricks in place.
i want to use 1 Barrel for the build, and I want it to function as barrel and Manifold. This means my riser will be shorter than standard build. I have no problem shortening feed tube. I'm going to be cutting all of my own wood. Is there any other issues with making these aspects shorter? I understand it may decrease overall heat production, but as long as it will burn up all creasote etc, I'm fine with it.
I will be building this in the basement, under wood floor. I was thinking of doing some metal heat shielding. I will have to show pictures eventually, but does anyone see issues with this?