I use one of the ceramic bulbs in my brooder. I've been very happy with it. There are a couple of key distinctions:
1. The temperature comes up
much more slowly than a red bulb (which is almost instantaneous). After you turn them on, you'll need to wait about 5 minutes before they are fully hot.
2. They don't use nearly as much energy as other bulbs, which is nice when you've got to leave them running 24-7 for the first 7 weeks of the baby
chicken's life.
3. They aren't as dangerous as other heat bulbs. Dry
straw bedding and a heat source = fire hazard. These ceramic bulbs are not as dangerous. But you've got to make sure you've got the right kind of lamp to screw them into -- one with a ceramic socket.
4. When the chicks are small, you can lower it right down close to them without fear of burning them. As they grow and need less heat, you can slowly lift it high and higher, to allow for taller birds and for less heat needed.
I love the ceramic bulb I use. I wouldn't go back to the old ones (that are gathering dust in the garage). Like anything else, you get what you pay for. I've bought cheap ones and have regretted it. Spend the money to get something of decent quality.