Day 24
I think I've probably come up with at least a dozen different designs for my
shelter since moving here. Squares, rectangles, sheds, gables, a-frames, pie-shapes, etc. Some made more sense than others, but in general the aim has been towards radical simplicity and ease of construction. My most recent thoughts on design are looking sort of octagonal, strangely
An octagon may not seem as simple as other shapes, but a couple things it has going for it is fairly short wall spans relative to interior space, (meaning I'll be able to easily build the walls by myself,) and also the possibility of views in all four directions without compromising on earth-berming. The site I have picked out for it is basically a hill top with excellent southern exposure, so drainage and passive
solar seem pretty optimized, even with as symmetrical a design as I'm planning.
As Paul has so kindly agreed to let me use some of the already peeled and dried logs, I've been able to quickly accumulate a decent little stack without yet having to resort to the tedium of debarking. That said, I expect I will still need to break out the drawknife before long. But today, the bowsaw was the tool of choice, and I cut 30+ dried logs to quite manageable 7 ft lengths.