What kind of soil do you have there? Were in the UP (iron county) and we planted 4 hybrid chestnuts last spring. I thought they were doing fine, but as of now they haven’t even broken bud or leafed out yet. The buds actually dont even look like they’re growing. I read chestnuts do poorly in heavy soil (we have a lot of clay) and didn’t know that before planting. They were fed
compost, mulched, planted with comfrey, fenced in and kept watered. I really dont want to lose these
trees but am worried it may be too late.
Can heavy soil be amended reasonably for chestnuts to thrive? Or is there a different nut tree (not black walnut!) that does well in cold winters, droughts, heavy soil...? I’m really bumming about these trees. They were supposed to be the oversrory of our food forest and be a food source for generations to come.