Idle dreamer
KurtW wrote:
Some food for thought: Not long ago I read an article about some testing done to determine how much area it took to feed one person for one year, the results was that it took 4,000 square feet to provide food for one person. This was an all vegetarian diet, with grains grown for bread, etc. I have not verified this myself, but this number seems to come up when I research that subject.
Idle dreamer
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
This is from research done by Ecology Action over the course of about 40 years, and it is using the Biointensive growing method, not permaculture. More info:
KurtW wrote:
I wonder if the two systems would be compatible, I would think they would be.
Idle dreamer
Terri wrote:
I am not certain, but I recall that you can graze sheep 4 to the acre?
Idle dreamer
yeah, but ... what would PIE do? Especially concerning this tiny ad:
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