thanks for the messages. Peter thanks for the heads up, I think i will start with a call to the USDA- NRCS office to get started on an 'official' investigation. I know mostly what your talking about. If a government agency calls it conservation than it is, everything else is up to their interpretation. I recently viewed a nrcs 'ad' on their website, it showed a guy mowing his conservation land

I do know in my neck of the woods 'conservation' and 'production' are not to be mixed, or confused. it is "impossible" to do both by definition. and dont even think about bringing up words like
polyculture, plant guilds, production ecologys, and the such. you will be met with a blind stare.
As for aguaculture i will have to do more research on the possiblities of the creek, trout? catfish
sell well here. there is only one ok site for a dam and it would back water onto the neighbors property.
Also anyone know how to post a picture on here. I have an arial .bmp of the 36 acres but dont know how to post, maybe ill try the help section???
thanks all, please continue to post suggestions. knowledge makes us all wiser!