Hello again,
This site has been very helpful and I thank all who maintain, create, participate, and share. If I hadn't stumbled upon
permaculture videos and sites about ten years ago I would probably never had done what I needed to do to get here. I'm finally getting to do it instead of just thinking about doing it.
I plan on turning a 1/4 acre of
lawn into a garden this spring. I'm anxious to turn the soil over and try to cook off some of the seed bank under plastic.
I have a
tractor, subsoiler, two bottom plow, rake, disk, and back blade,
I have a few sources of manure on the farm and a bunch of loose
straw and hay that was cleaned out of the barn last year when I purchased the property. I'm also willing to truck in material to get started.
The photo of inside the riding ring (100' x 35') seems like packed down horse manure that has accumulated over fifty or so years.
The pile of horse manure pictured has been outside for at least eight months. It is full of little red worms and has not been turned.
native soil is odessa / schoharie type. Silt loam down to six inches or so and then clay or clay silt loam for many feet.
Is it a good idea to mix these materials into the native soil as is?
I want to go no till after the soil is in good shape for veg and berry production. These beds for now will be market garden type beds and could be interplanted eventually.
Should I plow some of this material into the silt loam?
Thank you for looking.