Last year I thought I'd stumbled on a great fencing option - plastic safety
fence, stacked one row on top of itself. it worked great to keep the
deer out but now after a winter, it's all ripped up and rotted. boo :(
My ultimate goal is to put in a "real" wire
fence but I don't have available cash or time to put it in at the moment but I won't be able to garden at all if I don't do something. I want to try the fishing line fence to see if it works... but my conundrum is, I also need to keep my
chickens and my dog out of the garden. If I put a low
chicken netting type fence up, won't that show the deer where the fence line is? I'm trying to figure out what the best way to keep both
chickens and deer out.
Has anyone tried stringing more line down below like an inch apart, really tight, to keep out smaller animals? I don't have wild
rabbits out here so I don't think anything would chew it up. I was thinking about doing that down low for the chickens, and increasing the frequency higher up to keep out this stupid dog, and then go to the 1ft spacing up top for the deer.