The material your describing is also known as "weed barrier" but I've never seen any that was only 1/4" wide, it usually is around 36" wide and up to 100 feet long in rolls.
This stuff is normally used under a layer of thick mulch, it does not let much
water through the membrane even though all the advertising says it will.
It is also a PITA to take up if you use it as they recommend, plant
roots will go through it, weeds will come up through it.
I use it for one thing, walk ways that I'll be taking up very quickly. It is a non-woven, artificial fiber fabric so if walked on it begins to tear up rather fast.
If you do put it down and cover it with mulch, rock or
wood chips, it can last up to 40 years, depending on the make up of the soil beneath it.
If the dimensions you gave (1/4" x 80") is correct, it would make fair temporary tree and plant ties.