Amit Enventres wrote:The first looks a lot like an apple or pear... definitely that genre. Whether yummy fruit or not, don't know. Pears I have are all white blossom and apples are pink. Some apples haven't bloomed here yet in Ohio.
The second... not a clue. It's about to burst with blossoms, so you could always wait and see what the flowers and "fruit" look like.
I agree--something in the apple/pear family. It could be delicious or not so much since they almost never come true from seed (I assume it was from a seed dropped by a bird sitting on the
fence when s/he had to "go"). I also agree that I have no clue about the second one. It almost looks like someone stuck some sort of sedum on a tree.

I've never seen anything quite like it. It is definitely not a mulberry as someone suggested--they have those mitten leaves. (If you have mulberries, you know what I mean.)