R Jay wrote:
Interesting spreadsheet.....
Unless your hens are in individual enclosures--as in factory farms with the egg[s] sliding down a chute
past a sensor, how do you know which hen lays what egg. What if the two hens that lay the same
color egg share the nest box?
The only small livestock animal that I know that you can do individual stats like that on are caged
rabbits,and I have workable spreadsheets for them.
Usually a person sizes their flock using the figure of 4 eggs per chicken a week...unless the bylaws in
in your locale state that you can only have so many chickens per person.
Looking at your website, you appear not to have enough property to have a "chicken" garden --space
to grow just food for your chickens. A meal-worm tower only takes up 3 Square feet and can give
enough of the "protein" component to homemade feed. Even then, making a profit from selling a few
dozen eggs is pretty unlikely.
You would have a better chance of at least breaking even if you are allowed to have a rooster and were
be able to sell day-old chicks at 5 to 7 dollars apiece.
Quail is an easier bird to raise.....1 square foot per bird, 3 eggs are equivalent to a chicken egg [but
supposedly more nutritious] and can be raised is over-sized rabbit-style cages. Two birds per person
for a meal. Cages can line up on one side of a 2-car garage; make it harder for urban predators to
get to them
Your spreadsheet can be used. For a small flock you can also use a pen and some paper....and not
worry about back-ups,crashes,or viruses......
Just my opinion.....
Jessica Milliner wrote:I LOVE it! It inspired me to maks a much simplified spreadsheet for myself!
I guess, since you're asking for feedback, that would be what I'd say, is I would find it more useful if it was a little simpler. Trying to keep track of the egg size and color isn't that useful to me and the extra steps in recording would make me less likely to use the spreadsheet, but if it's just the total number of eggs, it's much less of a hurdle to recording daily.
Having said that I'm whatever the opposite of type A is (type Z?) and I can definitely think of people I know who would LOVE the level of detail.
Also ps I read your blog and realized we are almost neighbors! We're up in Barnardsville. Love these mountains.
Thank you so much for taking the time to make this, and sharing it! It's really going to help me keep track of everything!
R Jay wrote:I like this chicken-tracker spreadsheet better:
for downloading--
Up, up and away...with Google sheet
Edit: both versions are free to use
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