My goal is to see how
sustainable a family can be in the
city without living uncomfortably. I'm in my 4th season here in the garden and working on improving insulation. I have 10 years
experience in these sorts of things, though still much to learn. I have a few small food forest, intensely planted beds, and lead
volunteer crews at several gardens around town. I feel at this point I and the property make a decent resource for someone interested in becoming more sustainable, I am therefore opening up the doors to anyone who may want to learn. The cost? Well, you're going to have to learn hands-on style. For example, this morning I was working the vineyard, harvesting, bagging, sorting, crushing, etc. Tomorrow I go work a garden by precision weedwacking, and the next day I will probably be planting some balcony potatoes. Some time in the afternoon tomorrow I will hopefully be insulating our cold storage room and setting up the shelves. Tomorrow evening I will be sugaring and bottling liqueurs, maybe with some friends. If you are interested in this sort of thing and in the area, PM me.