Diatomaceous Earth (DE) will also kill fleas and other insects with shells. It works under their carapace and punctures and dehydrates them. It is a naturally-occuring material, the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae.
If you want to try it, get the kind labeled CODEX FOOD GRADE from a farm/feed store (I bought 50# for $15 two years ago, probably higher now). This kind is totally non-toxic to people, pets, and earthworms and
bees. Farmers
feed it to their livestock, as they say it reduces the fly problems, and it even contains some trace nutrients. You can even eat it (some people do, mixed with applesauce, etc).
DO NOT use other kinds, which may be mixed with insecticides or other toxic/damaging substances.
The only thing you want to watch is not inhaling much of the dust. Don't work up a big cloud of it and then stick your head into it and inhale. DE from freshwater sources is less irritating to the lungs than the kind from saltwater sources. Use a dust mask if you're concerned or spreading a lot of it.
You can gently sift it into your carpet, suck it into your dry vacuum bag to kill hatching eggs and larvae, put it where cockroaches go, apply to your pet's coats, and kill
ants with a thick coating around their nests (after dark). It loses its effectiveness when it gets wet.