Hi, I'm new to this forum. Was totally blown away by
permaculture when I first read about it in The Mother Earth News back in the 70's. The truth and
common sense of it resonates strongly with my mind and soul! So all that's been simmering for the interim years and I now have a very good opportunity to put these ideals into practice on 40 beautiful and already bountiful acres in east central Alabama. I'll soon be contending with the initial infrastructure and terra forming processes which will likely take some time. Luckily I have reliable
water and plan to go ahead and get the nursery going.
So specifically I was wondering if anyone had seeds of a hybridized American chestnut such as a Dunstan (though I wouldn't turn my nose up at seeds of any sort of blight resistant variety at all!). Of course with seeds there's no telling what you will get but I have
enough land to plant scads of chestnuts and whatever else, then cull as appropriate. I searched the forum but didn't find anything relevant.
Pondering on this, I also searched and didn't see mention of an online based seed exchange/plant swap. Saw several posts relating to
local events, but it seems like having permies sharing resources such as seeds and cuttings, etc., would be a great thing. I know the money is in selling plants and grafted
trees (which I will definitely have worked into my system!), but for those getting started it can be quite expensive even just in getting a diversity of initial 'mother' species. Sorry in advance if that type of thing is already available and I overlooked it - I expect that may be the case
Thanks, -S.