Try getting a section of PVC pipe just big enough for the bunny (so it feels secure). Put the pipe tucked in somwhere in the bushes (simulate a bunny hole) when its inside cap the ends. My dogs have trapped numerous wild rabbits in pvc pipe. Maybe it would work for yours.
Have you managed to catch it yet? you could also try putting out a bit of grain in a bowl. Once it has figured out that yummies come in that bowl you could place it in a crate or humane catch trap to lure it in. This is the sort of thing that will keep me occupied/obsessed till I accomplish the task at hand. you could try the old fashioned box propped up with a stick routine. Tie a string to the stick so you can yank it out from under the box when the bunny is in. It never worked for me as a kid but its still a good idea. Robins are probably a little harder to catch that way anyway
My husband and I used to take a 25 ft length of chicken wire and quietly and slowly encircle the bugger until he was in a makeshift fenced area. You need 2 patient people. We though it kinf of fun actually.
When I was younger I felt like a man trapped inside a woman's body. Then I was born. My twin is a tiny ad: