Ugh Sarah, that's what I was afraid of. I can't even get metal screen, only plastic! I think tonight I'll put the one tray with the new starts on top of a plastic trash bin, i know they can probably scale that too, but why make it easier. Seeds inside means they would take up the entire kitchen (or my office? eep), I suppose next year I may do that if it comes to it.
I live on a tiny urban farm (my plot is about 7 m by 20m), so there are limits in terms of what I can do to encourage habitat. I know we have owls and hawks here in town, they eat the pigeons.
The dog has caught mice before but apparently he doesn't care if they're partying on top of his kennel (he's not locked in, it's just for him to sleep in
should he choose to do so). I suspect he doesn't see too well at night, and would rather be barking at the street dogs and the garbage truck than protecting my seeds!