Hi, Robert, I've been looking for several months now to find 20-50 acres in central or eastern TN to start a
permaculture farm with other liberty-minded homesteaders. I have another family with girl 8 and boy 7 who have thrown in with me to share the land and the work and we're looking for a few more people to join us. I'd like to set-up some kind of
permaculture community. But your offer looks quite interesting also. If we don't have to buy the land, we will have funds for equipment and building our homes debt free.
I'm currently rehabbing a century+ old house in Maine to raise some cash to buy land here, but I found the winter far too long and growing season too short. I shovled snow almost daily from Oct 15-April 30, last frost date here is Memorial Day! Decided my old stomping ground that I loved as a kid is just too darned cold for my liking nowadays, so TN is my next choice because I have brother in KY, niece and nephew in Nashville and Knoxville, and son in VA.
Would you consider sharing your farm with us. Or do you know of any vacant land nearby, preferably adjacent to yours, that we could buy and share each other's equipment, tools, skills and labor. I'm into
permaculture forestry, ponds, water routing (swales and the like), orchards, veggie
mushroom growing, pasture-raised
chickens, and building barns and sheds. I'd like to build a passive
solar earth-bermed
cob house with natural roof on a south-facing hillside, a cob pizza/
bread oven, solar dehydrator and the like.
My partner is big into solar (with a full operational system where he is in Massachusetts) and wind power, rain catchment and cisterns, and mechanical stuff. His wife is an avid organic gardener, and the kids are excited about "helping", especially with the critters.