Time = 10yrs
Visits = Monthly or Quarterly
Funds = $4,000 per year
Desired Result = Good Soil, Nuts, Fruits, Berries, Mushrooms, Herbs, Vegetables, Fish
Pond, 2 Bee Hive,
Hay Pasture, Green House, Cabin
Cabin Systems= Portable Water, GreyWater, Septic, Solar-Electric, Solar-Heating, Propane Tank, Outdoor Kitchen, Superinsulated house
Steps needed = ???
I would do the following:
Observation/Planning/Testing (what you are doing now)
Earthworks/Swales (I would hire a bulldozer and just give them the money
Carbon/CoverCrop/WoodChip/Strawbale/BioChar (CL, sales, chop and drop, talk to arborist)
Soil Life (
Compost, Worm Tea, Mushroom Slurries)
Minerals (Rockdust, Minerals, Sea90)
CoverCrop (80% legumes to increase soil fertility)
Woodlot (0.3 acre)
This is really just your living
fence around your property that you pollard for firewood/etc
Pasture (1 acre)
You can think of this as cover crop that you chop and drop to increase fertility.
I would cut it monthly and also reseed it yearly to get the right mix.
When you get animals I would then do 45% legume family, 45% grass family, 10% medicinals/herbs/aerators
Rotational Grazing is wonderful.
Pond, I would have 4 fish ponds that the animals drink from
You can have a little 3sided shed that travels with the sheep/goat
You can have the
chickens follow behind the 4 days after the animals
Food Forest (1 acre and 180 fruit/nut trees)
Cover Crop (get a mower and cut it once a month/quarterly)
Nut/Fruit/Berry Trees (get some machine to dig 3ft holes every 15ft, then buy them bare root/potted, inoculate and plant)
Herbs/Support (Plant the support species around your fruit trees in the spring after planting your plants in the Fall (Oct/Nov/Dec))
Mushroom (Innoculate some woodchip with oyster and wine cap, then just add woodchip yearly as you get some)
Vegetable (create a little vegetable garden so that you are enticed to come weekly to the "STORE" to pickup your vegetables)
2 Bee Hive
Tiny Fish-Duck Pond
Cabin (0.2 acre)
Lawn (dutch clover, which can handle the foot traffic and then whatever else pops up)
Greenhouse (build one it can even be unheated so that you can extend your growing season)
Cabin and it's systems. I like the idea of a strawbale house.