That looks more like a fungal invasion than sun scald to me.
You might want to try brewing a good, aerated
compost tea and saturating that area with the tea.
From there you have a few other options;
Cut off the affected area and use Elmer's white glue to create a temporary seal so no re-infection occurs while the tree heals over.
Doing this might be too drastic for you and your tree but it is the absolute sure fire fix.
You could wipe the exposed
wood down with a 3% Clorox solution and then seal between the two sided of the bark with Elmer's white glue, so the bark can heal and reseal the tree.
This one isn't as certain to work as the cutting the infected area out, but it has worked on other fig species for me.
You can do nothing but observe to see what happens.
Good luck with what ever you choose to try, it's a shame that happened to the tree.