Not a woman, but I have had issues and done a lot of experimenting in the last few years concerning my own problems.
In almost every instance I've found that the better I eat and drink the better my body responds.
I used to eat the Standard American Diet (SAD)...
Then I started reading
books such as your bodies many cries for
water and came across ideas that made good sense to me but which I had not come across previously.
For the record, for many years I have been dealing with a number of things on and off, a few of the major ones being as follows:
a) A patch of very dry skin on my right ankle
b) Extremely dry/cracked skin between the larger toes on my left foot
c) A rash on my front inner thighs, particularly when I spend too much time sitting (I was a software engineer...)
d) Pimple like outbreaks on my behind and lower front thighs
My ex wife constantly harassed me about these and demanded that I go and see a doctor and get prescriptions. I did so on a couple of occasions and although some of these problems would temporarily go away they would come back within a few months. She of course attributed that to my not doing what the doctors said (she was wrong...).
Finally, I started experimenting and managed to get all of these to go away without any help from a doctor, modern drugs, or anything else.
The keys were as follows:
1) Drink primarily water and organic juices. Cut soda and sugary crap drinks out of your diet. If you drink
coffee or alcohol drink an extra cup of water for each soda and/or alcoholic drink.
2) Eat primarily plant based foods. If you can manage all plant based foods even better. If you can manage all organic (or even better, home grown organic) foods, better still.
3) Do not eat manufactured food products.
4) If you eat meat, pay the extra cash for organic grass fed critters (or better yet, hunt or raise the animals yourself)
By dropping animal products, manufactured foods, and non water drinks all of my problems went away within two weeks.
By doing a week long juice/water fast (only drinking water and/or organic juices with no added crap) I managed to not only get rid of my various rashes but to also clear up my teeth.
Most people don't seem to recognize it, but your skin is like a third liver. If you are abusing your liver so badly that your skin starts breaking out then you need to re-evaluate what you are eating.
I know that our society pushes fast food, restaurants (most small towns have little else in them), and steak and eggs... and that it is hard to act normal if you stop eating them (especially if you go to restaurants a lot).
I also know from experience that when I stick to a good variety of vegetables and fruits (more colors!) and stay away from animal products then I lose weight quickly, have more
energy, and my physical ailments go away.
No, I'm not a hard liner about these things (If I'm in your house and you are serving a meal that includes meat then I'll have a small portion to show appreciation), but my experience tells me that the less animal products and (especially) manufactured foods and sugary drinks I consume the healthier I am. I'm 44 this year and two years ago at our family reunion I was able to out run and wear out every teenager there.
If you have the will I'd strongly recommend looking into trying a plant based diet, drinking water when you are hungry... and then only eating if you are still hungry ten minutes later, and absolutely avoiding sugary drinks and manufactured foods.
Again, I'm not a woman... but I'm human and with diet I've been able to eliminate various issues fairly simply (though it can be hard to override cultural conditioning) via diet.
While you are considering it, you might also look at toxification and detoxification. Women tend to use a lot of chemicals (soaps, conditioners, shampoos, etc.) on their bodies. We already live in a toxic world... storing more toxins and adding them through your skin will likely only exacerbate existing issues. The more toxic you are the more easily it is to put your body in emergency mode.
Anywise, just some food for thought. If I offended you in any way my apologies... as the above was simply to relate that doing exactly the opposite of what we are told we
should be doing via corporate media has done me wonders.
Finally, you might look into how digestion works and consider spacing out different types of food appropriately. For example, eating meats.
dairy. potatoes, and vegetables all at the same time requires that your stomach be both acidic and basic at the same time to digest the mixed foods... while knowing how long it takes to digest different types of foods and whether they are acidic or basic lets you choose to group like food types together and wait an appropriate amount of time between eating to reduce the energy your body needs for proper digestion... meaning you need to eat less and have more energy.