The major obstacle seems to be that I don't have living accommodations on the land. Maybe someone will be interested in bringing in something to live in or/and throw up a tiny straw bale house or something until we see if we really share very similar visions.
I have windows, and with a composting type toilet and solviva type of plumbing arrangement preempting having to build septic systems something pretty comfortable could be built in fairly short order I think..those are the ideas I plan for myself anyway..maybe ...maybe this year IF I can figure out how I can do a roof. Knees protest vigorously about climbing things.
Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed I reread "
Shelters, Shacks and Shanties" and get renewed..we take so much for granted as being essential these days! and the options we know about now..heating in this climate being a major one. Open fireplaces vs a rocket heater..
There are clay deposits on some of the land but not sure if there would be sufficient to build a
cob house; there are poplars which could be cut and used but not sure how good they are for structural purposes and in any case they are hell to work with when they haven't had a chance to dry.
If someone wanted to try to build a pallet house stuffed with light straw clay mixture, or maybe even a papercrete house (though I have reservations about that..we get very strong winds here and it would be a shame to build something to see it sailing away over the treetops! We also get some pretty energetic thunderstorms/rain from time to time.) Still..I am open to trying such things, although it's too late this year now unless everything was put under tarps for the winter..we have really only got this month for things to dry before we get frost and possibly snow.
I don't see anywhere on the place that cries out for any sort of partial underground..the only slopes face north, for one thing. Good for a
root cellar or fridge/freezer room maybe, not so great for a house.
One person who showed an interest was entirely turned off when he learned that my ideas include creatures such as
chickens, etc. I personally think that animals have a role to play as well as we do, and wouldn't be happy on land without provision for some animals. Anyway.
Thanks for the good wishes