Hi all. I'm an avid outdoorsman from Wales UK, spent most of my life outdoors living alongside nature and just enjoying life the best I know how.
I have a piece of woodland that I have permission to frequent in return for some general maintenance of the place.
I spend a lot of time there and have joined this forum to find out how I and others can benefit more from the place. By which I mean maybe
permaculture, a little hydro system to produce 12v, damming the stream to run it, and also maybe a little wild farming ie repopulate with wild rabbit, fish and maybe a bird species or two.
I'm a mad inventor who loves to learn about renewable/"free"
energy. Making a Woodburning stove at present and have started on my bicycle wheel hydro generator. Anyways that's a bit about me and why I'm here, look forward to getting to know folks and learn from you all.
Best wishes