I'd take that queen excluder out pronto, the laying of wax and the filling of that wax is kinda a group decision by the bee's. The hole point of a queen excluder is to force bee's to build in the opposite direction than they would naturaly. Bee's are really tough on the new apiarist and really forgiving at the same time. When I first got my bee's I bought two but with all the horror stories of failure's I decided on buying 3 and building an extra box while they waited in a tube in the
greenhouse way past their release date. Somehow all that was no problem.
I forgot to hold onto a clip the guy warned me about and in the panic of bee's flying out of a tube, shaking bee's into the warre box, and flipping the box into position, I dropped the queen cage on the ground, and got stung by some other's for my failure. In my panic i yanked out the fondant and checked the box in the middle between the two boxes. Their now my strongest colony and I even scraped a few days worth of honey off their initial feeder box.
The second hive which I did perfectly like clockwork, is now gone. No disease, no dead bodies, just a few combs and a clean hive as if it all never happened. I remember one day I was flipping the
compost and I swear i saw a slug heading for the entrance, when I looked back all I saw was a big bloated jelly thing at the entrance. By the time I said what the heck it was gone, and ever since then id see less and less activity, and in a few days none. I really believe bee's are in the thick of natural selection and with all the humanizing we do, were and they are subject to random losses unfortunately, and many a directly caused loss.
I still don't truly mentally see how your getting them out, the nuc box is inside of the warre hive? or on top? I couldn't figure out where your quilt box and roof where in the equation. Not that I advocate working with nuc's as it's the most difficult to addapt to warre hive's but it's to be expected when you want bee's and you have to get them from dadant hive people. After you brushed all the bee's off the frame, you tried to lock the queen into the warre box with the excluder in theory, and put the box with frame's inside on top? how much wider where the dadant frames than your warree box? I always thought id' have to break the frame so that I could lay the 3 frames that come with the box into the warre hive next to the empty top bar's, close it all up and I wouldn't get to remove those foreign frames until harvest.
It sounds like and please correct me if I'm miss assembling your hive in my mind, a carboard hive with a hole in it, on top of a warre hive with no roof? and each time you shake em into the warre hive, they just go back to their regular hive.
Bee's are pretty good at going straight home, I moved one of my hive's over 4 feet to get better sun since i lost a colony to that mystery slug. The bee's started to crowd the cinderblock it was resting on like they were trying to set up something. For hour's they would leave the hive and try to enter an invisible hive 4 feet away. So them going back to the carboard box is a pretty strong homing act. If your queen is dead, your colony will run out of bees in 6 weeks, as their lifespan shorten's in the summer.
I can't say I know how to get the queen out of a nuc situation, even if she's been painted so she could bring the colony's homing instinct to the warre box. It seems like a setup for a mad chase where crushing is highly likely, I can't stand when bee's get crushed when i'm shifting boxes around, but things can get pretty madcapped for the inexperienced.
At this point all I can say is go for broke, remove the excluder, hope the queen's still their and she like's the warre box well
enough to expand out of the nuc which she probably is still in. If there's any chance you can even poorly get those frames into the warre box to eliminate the nuc box that would be great as well.
There's no point in blaming the guy who sold you anything, you chose warre beekeeping, he's a dadant guy trying to
sell bee's. Unless they've read the book they wouldn't understand how opposite the two method's are, so they can't tell you that they really have no clue what to do. The way to get advice they actualy know is correct is to frame it in the sense of how to i take this dadant technology and apply it to a skep. That they grasp cuzz skep's are oldschool, when they hear warre hive thing's get weird and they either ignore you or just convert that to mean hippy dadant hive.
I spent $400 dollar's on advanced apiary training, and I was ignored everytime i tried to apply anything to do with warre hive's to my education.
Some poor bastard had
water dripping and funkying his dadant hive due to condensation, I explained how the quilt attic worked and why condensation frig's things up in standard hives. The teacher who's name was Dr. Bee with a real doctorate in bee disease, looked at me like i was trying to burn down his home, and then told the guy it shouldn't be a problem...... grrrrrr
Well lemme know what you think, we all learn on the back's of others lives, but when our learning matures we can help life thrive and grow beyond the live's that were lost.