If growing out the propogated
root stocks and/or grafted trees in beds instead of containers, what spacing is needed? Of
course it will vary over time.
Here's my semi-educated guestimate at timing and spacing for this sort of thing. I'd much appreciate feedback on this, as I'm about to step up small propagation efforts to a batch of crabapples!
Draft schedule & spacing for propagating local crabapples as rootstocks (or just as crabapples!) with option for grafting:
Year 0-1 seeds: Grown quite dense, could be scattered in a seed bed ~1-3" apart. See what takes. After a year, separate and transplant...
Year 0-1 rootings: Rooting done from a mature specimen. Let the rooting take in place, probably air layering for apples.
Year 1-3 seeds: Transplanted seedlings 6-12" apart. See what takes. Healthy specimen could be grafted at year 3. Good time to keep track of inventory.
Year 1-3 rootings: Same as yr1-3 for seeds but rootings need to be separated from parent for first time, and since more advanced
roots are likely, spacing should be more like 12-24"
Year 3-5: Transplant saplings 2-4' apart. Could try more grafts, see which past grafts take, track all accordingly.
Year 5-7: Transplant remaining saplings 4-6' apart. Saplings should be sold around this time as they approach 1-2" DBH and get harder to handle.
Does that seem like a reasonable plan for the spacetime of baby (crab)
apple trees grown in cool temperate (zone 5)
apple country?