Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Josh Boschma

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since Apr 02, 2015
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Flatbush, Alberta
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Recent posts by Josh Boschma

I originally selected the $25 USD reward level. That was accompanied by a $15 shipping cost. I only really wanted the one book. I still have 9 of the previous books sitting in the shipping box just outside my bedroom door.
The local city library was not interested in a donation.

But about half way through all the stretch goal it got interesting enough to increase my contribution to $65 USD which increased my shipping to $30.
I experienced the issue that occurred on the last kickstarter, I thought I had gone through the right path this time by selecting “manage pledge”.
When I followed the post link about checking my pledge it showed me at the level that I had selected $65.

My question was did I get the email about checking on my pledge because of the shipping expense?
Or was I just part of the Oops?
3 years ago
OK thank you for the email. But i followed the directions and it showed that i am on the rewards i selected $65.
Is it possibly because i am having to pay extra for the shipping to canada? i get to pay $105 USD
3 years ago
Could you please indicate when where and how this
“Super Earlybird” thing works?
I would like to support, but if the kick stater has started it hardly seems that it is super early bird anymore.
I am certainly a little confused on how this will work.
Thank you
3 years ago
Good afternoon
Went into the kickstarter app to try and’manage my my pledge ‘
There is no decimal option for increasing by 0.77

Also the link that supposedly goes to a 2 min video explaining how to change your pledge . Goes to this forum page with NO 2 min video very obvious

Maybe a blind idiot, but my POV is ‘needs some work’

Thank you for the hard work
5 years ago
Looks Good!
I will be looking to assist to the $150 make as I would prefer the download.
$300US for a thumbdrive with everything, while it sounds economical is out of my price range and I make good money, as I would have to add an easy 30% being north of the boarder. I was hoping to support the $100 but if the download is available at 150 that is what I will probably go for.  
For me the download is important as I live in an area of intermittent internet, sometimes great but frequently non-existent, and I can purchase an extra 1T hard drive and store everything I download onto it(and hope it doesn't break or go missing!)  and save what I want and save your guys a bunch of time and headache.

Thank You  Paul for putting this together
I think I am one of the ones that managed to mess this up. I thought I had set up a vimeo account and linked an address. I really recall doing so, but vimeo disagreed.
I did recive an email to go to Vimeo but it has not worked every time I go there, I continue to get "Sorry we could not find that page"  even while logged on

boschma09@gmail is the kickstarter email that did receive updates is the vimeo account #.

Sorry for being a pain

Hi Cassie, thank you for hosting this site!
Had significant trouble doing the original download over the weekend using Chrome , it kept timing out. But did eventually succeed Sunday evening. I think it was just mostly to many others also trying at the same time.

Tried again yesterday at work using my IPhone and Safari and it worked just fine.

Thank you