Peter Oakland

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since Jan 25, 2017
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I took my PDC in 1995 from Bill Mollison and Scott Pittman. Gathered 2-3 years of hands on, on the land experience. Then kids arrived! Finsihed degree, lucrative ish career ensued. I find myself over 20 years later ready to transition back into the natural systems approach. Looking for others to share down payment etc and design/grow the rooted lifestyle together. Ideally on west coast of US but who knows!
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Nevada City, California
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Recent posts by Peter Oakland

Hey Leaf - Sent you a DM. Would love to plan a visit sometime.
1 month ago
Sounds like an amazing project. I sent you a moosage. Hope it is going well there!
1 year ago
Sounds intriguing Matt! Best of luck and I'll give you a ring if I'm ever on that side of the country. If you decide to host any design courses that might be a great way to pull interest into your scene, just a thought.
I helped out on a property up there called Old Mill Farm many years ago just outside Mendocino proper. Magical place and it was right after I got my cert from Bill M. so I was sheet mulching and eating chanterelles almost the entire year round. My partner and I would love to help out if there is still a need. I sent you and email Philip! I'll grow you more food than we can process and sniff out all the wild mushroom patches! =)
I sent you a PM Valisa. Would love to learn more.
7 years ago
Thanks Steve - You and your area are going on my short list when I tour the west seeking new permaculture   friends!
7 years ago
I really like the idea of establishing a community around art, music and other shared passions while working together on permaculture based projects to thrive. Years ago, back in the 90's I guess, I used to try to make my ideal schedule for the day if money were not an issue. Art/Music, Permaculture and Health seemed to be three areas that would provide most if not all the things one needed to live as a group. I call this the harmony of the spheres like Pythagoras. Still dreaming after this as a way of life, looking for that community and look forward to a time when I can spend all my time learning the things that truly capture my interest and passion. Amy, I am not far from Oregon so reach out if you like, let me know if you'd like to collaborate etc.
7 years ago
Another old post that I wish was current! If any of you folks here are still pursuing this please message me!
7 years ago
Hey Steve - I would like to know more. Look for a PM from me.
7 years ago
Sounds real interesting but yea, would need to know a bit more. Even vague ballpark more would help.
7 years ago